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註冊 2007-3-5
來自 說台語的高雄人
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-3-26 07:09  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友  Yahoo!


人之初 性本善 性相近 習相遠
Men at their birth,
are naturally good.
Their natures are much the same;
their habits become widely different.

苟不教 性乃遷 教之道 貴以專
If follishly there is no teaching,
the nature will deteriorate.
The right way in teaching,
is to attach the utmost importance
in thoroughness.

昔孟母 擇鄰處 子不學 斷機杼
Of old, the mother of Mencius
chose a neighbourhood
and when her child would not learn,
she broke the shuttle from the loom.
竇燕山 有義方 教五子 名俱揚
Tou of the Swallow Hills
had the right method
He taugh five son,
each of whom raised the family reputation.

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[ 本帖最後由 大熊老師 於 2007-3-28 17:38 編輯 ]

夜濁漂   2007-3-26 18:43  錢幣  +5   感謝你對論壇貼出寶貴的分享

大熊老師 為教育界獻出我的一份心力
[廣告] 皮吉分類廣告~食衣住行育樂免費刊登查詢!


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